Theft and Property Crimes



A theft crime can be committed in many different ways. Likewise, the penalties for a conviction on a theft crime will vary. The more serious the theft and the higher the value of the item taken, the more likely the penalties will be harsher. When charged with a theft crime, many people want to take the first plea deal offered. This is risky because oftentimes, they could fight the charge or negotiate a better plea deal. Speaking with a theft crimes defense lawyer in Colorado will help you understand the offense of theft and the potential consequences.

At JWP Law, our theft crimes defense attorney handles all types of theft crimes cases. We work to make sure your constitutional rights are upheld and that you get the best defense you deserve. Contact us today at 720-329-4149 or to schedule a Free Consultation and to make sure your rights are protected.

Common Theft Crimes in Colorado

A theft crime is a general term used to describe offenses that involve the taking of anything of value of another without their authorization, or by threat or deception and with the intention to permanently deprive them of it, or its use or benefit. 

Theft offenses are also often referred to as property offenses. Common theft crimes include:

  • Shoplifting - taking goods away from a shop without paying
  • Theft - taking someone's personal property
  • Motor Vehicle Theft - theft of a motor vehicle
  • Robbery - where the property is taken through the actual or threatened use of physical force

Depending on the seriousness of the allegations, theft crimes can be either a misdemeanor or a felony. Aggravating circumstances include the type of property taken, the value of the property, and the offender's previous convictions, or charges, for similar offenses.

Colorado has its own specific theft statute that define the specific elements of any given theft crime, and municipalities are authorized to have similar ordinances if the value of the property is lower. It is always important to speak to a criminal defense lawyer to understand the elements and consequences of the exact theft charge laid against you.

Consequences of a Theft Conviction in Colorado

The sentences for theft convictions vary depending on the the circumstances of the case, and the seriousness of the offense.

Possible penalties include:

  • Fines
  • Restitution to compensate for the loss of property
  • Probation
  • Community service
  • Jail
  • Imprisonment
  • Education classes

A conviction for a theft offense can also have long-lasting impacts on an offender's life beyond their sentence, especially in terms of finding employment. For example, a potential employer who runs a background check may view someone with a theft conviction as dishonest and be reluctant to hire them. 

Three Critical Reasons to Hire a Criminal Defense Lawyer in Denver

You can successfully defend against theft crimes. But you cannot do it on your own. The laws are complex, the stakes are high, and you need someone with the expertise to develop a viable defense strategy.

With that said, here are three good reasons why you should hire our criminal defense lawyer.

  1. We provide the insight you cannot find online. We know everyone is googling answers for everything, and that includes criminal charges and defenses. Though you can find information on it, you cannot find information on how to best apply a defense in your unique case. There are critical nuances that can impact your case and it requires a skilled defense attorney to craft a defense in your unique circumstances. 
  2. We leverage the power of the prosecutor. The prosecution holds the power to determines whether a charge will be pursued, whether a plea deal will be offered, and what will be in a plea deal. In cases where appropriate, we use the power of the prosecutor to negotiate better terms on your behalf. We can try to negotiate a deal that means reduced charges or lesser sentences, and this is especially important in theft crimes because the range of potential charges and punishment is wide.
  3. We are more than your criminal defense lawyer. As your lawyer, we will help you understand what's at stake, deal with all the deadlines and negotiations, and help you cope with your feelings throughout it all. You may feel fear, embarrassment, and anxiety. We know–we have seen it time and time again. But through our support and representation, we can alleviate some of the emotional issues may experience.

If you have been accused of committing a theft crime, you should speak to a theft defense attorney at JWP Law immediately. 

Other Property Crimes

Property crimes in Denver involve unlawful theft, damage, destruction, or interference with a person's property. The term “property crimes” encompasses a range of offenses ranging from the more minor, such as trespassing, to serious crimes such as arson.

At JWP Law, we have successfully defended many Denver property crimes. Call 720-329-4149 to schedule a Free Consultation and learn how we can help you fight the charges you're facing.


Trespassing involves entering someone's property without their permission. It is different from burglary in that the defendant has no intent to commit a crime when they enter the property. 

Criminal Mischief

A defendant commits Criminal Mischief by destroying or damaging someone's property without their permission. Examples of Criminal Mischief include graffitiing, keying a car, or knocking down a street sign. 


When someone unlawfully enters a building or structure with the intent to commit a crime, they commit burglary. Even if they don't commit the crime once they are inside the premises, they are still guilty of burglary. 


Usually charged as a felony, arson is a serious offense that involves intentionally burning a building, structure, or forest land. The penalties for arson increase significantly if the premises were occupied at the time, or if anyone was injured or killed as a result of the fire.

Penalties for Colorado Property Crimes

Possible penalties for property crimes include:

  • Fines
  • Restitution to the victim for their loss
  • Probation
  • Community service
  • Jail
  • Imprisonment

The penalty for a property crime depends on several factors, including whether the charge is a misdemeanor or a felony and the seriousness of the allegations, including the type and value of the property. 

Defenses Against Property Crimes in Colorado

Depending on the circumstances of the allegations, there can be several defenses available to defendants in Denver charged with property crimes. Common defenses include mistake, necessity, and coercion. 


If a defendant holds a genuine but mistaken belief as to the facts when they commit the act, they may not be guilty. This is because the defendant doesn't have the intent required to prove most property crimes, and so they cannot be held criminally liable. 

For example, if a defendant takes another person's bike from a bike rack outside their apartment building because it looks almost identical to theirs, they may be able to argue the defense of mistake of fact.


Necessity is a common defense to property crimes for situations where the defendant interfered with the property in an emergency. If the defendant needed to interfere with the property to prevent greater harm to the community (public necessity) or themself (private necessity), then they are not criminally liable for the act. 

For example, if a passerby sees a fire inside a closed shop and breaks a window to extinguish the fire, they may not be criminally responsible for the damage to the window based on public necessity. 

Coercion or Duress

Where a defendant commits a property crime as a direct result of immediate threats or force such as blackmail, they may be able to argue coercion. If successful, they cannot be held criminally responsible for the crime as they did not act voluntarily.

Speak to a Property Crimes Attorney Today

If you are facing charges of a property crime, it's imperative you speak to an experienced criminal defense attorney immediately. At JWP Law, we have the expertise and experience to craft a defense to get you the best-possible outcome. 

Our criminal defense lawyer in Denver will review your case and explain your options, including any legal defenses available to you. We can also help you prepare a strong defense and ensure your rights are protected throughout the legal process. Call 720-329-4149 or submit an online form today, and we will schedule a Free Consultation to discuss your case.

JWP Law Is Here for You

At JWP Law, we focus on Criminal Defense, Municipal Violations, DUI & Traffic, Drug Crimes, Property Crimes, Domestic Violence, Sex Crimes, Protection Orders and DMV Administrative Hearings and we are here to listen to you and help you navigate the legal system.

Contact Us Today

JWP Law is committed to answering your questions about Criminal Defense, Municipal Violations, DUI & Traffic, Drug Crimes, Property Crimes, Domestic Violence, Sex Crimes, Protection Orders and DMV Administrative Hearing law issues in Colorado. We'll gladly discuss your case with you at your convenience. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.
